Monthly Programs

Upcoming Programs

Our monthly program season runs from September through May each year.

The central mission of NSHS is to share in the knowledge of how to garden well.  It is quite a broad subject, and NSHS is made up of everyone from novices to master gardeners.  What is common among all is a desire to learn the answers to the questions, "What makes my garden grow?" and, "What can I learn about other gardens and from other gardeners?"  Each year, our nine monthly meetings seek to answer these questions (and to have a little fun at the same time!)

We look forward to seeing both new and familiar faces soon when we will again share our own unique garden stories and enjoy making new memories together. Should you have any questions, please call 978-238-8773 for more information.

Our Program Calendar: 2024-2025

Please note: NSHS meets on Thursday evenings at Sacred Heart Parish Hall, 62 School Street, Manchester. Social time from 7:00 – 7:30 PM. Meeting begins at 7:30 PM.

September 26, 2024: Gretel Anspach – Humans and Their Use of Plants is about where our crops come from and the evolution and progress of agriculture, as well as where we might go from here to meet the challenges of growing more food in an evolving environment.

October 24, 2024: Jana Milbocker – Gardens in the Gilded Age and 125th NSHS Birthday Party (starts at 7PM)
Jump into your Waltham Orient Victoriette automobile and head on over to spend a grand and glorious evening with us as we learn about Gardens of the Gilded Age. You will be transported and inspired by brilliant garden styles and luxurious beauty crafted for estate spaces. Some of the properties that will be highlighted include those of the Vanderbilts, Roosevelts, and Carnegies.

November 14, 2024: Matthew Swindell – Together in the Garden, History of Garden Clubs and the North Shore Horticultural Society
No digging or planting required! Just sit back and enjoy a walk through the story of gardening in community. Gardeners have long exchanged information over the back fence, but they also came to meet in garden clubs and horticultural societies. Beyond their meetings, they also played a pivotal role in civic gardening and public improvement opportunities. Come and hear about this history.

December 12, 2024: Carol Batdorf - Gardens Under Glass
Carol Batdorf will lead a workshop on making terrariums.

January 23, 2025: Nina Duston and Carol Batdorf - Virtual Garden Tour
Nina Dustom and Carol Batdorf will have put together the Virtual Garden Tour with your photos. This will be shown during the Potluck Dinner and then a House Plant Auction.

February 27, 2025: Barb McIntosh – Blueberries in the Home Garden
The Center for Disease Control calls them a Powerhouse Fruit, the Mayo Clinic calls them a Superfood, but we just call them delicious. Sweet and tasty, blueberries are an easy low-calorie snack. Not just a versatile treat – blueberries also have many health benefits. Blueberries can be consumed fresh or frozen, without losing any of the health benefits, vitamins, and minerals. Today we will present successful practices for growing this wonderful, healthy fruit.

March 27, 2025: Liz Barbour – The Edible Salad Garden
Chef Liz will show us her cottage garden that follows no rules. Garden design ideas and recipe ideas will be shared. This slide presentation focuses on her favorite edible flowers. The combination of formal and informal elements in a plan that allows her to add plants that she chooses on impulse or receives as gifts. A cottage garden gives the freedom to mix fruits and vegetables with edible and non-edible ornamentals in a variety of ways.

April 24, 2025: Meg Black – Exploring Gardens Through Art
As a painter of gardens for over 40 years, Meg Black, PhD, will share her creative process and the artists whose work she references for inspiration. Historical examples include Berte Morisot, Vincent Van Gogh, Maria Van Oosterwijck, and Claude Monet, along with contemporary artists whose subject of botanicals continues this ancient tradition. Meg will bring actual examples of her garden paintings, as well as the raw fibers she uses to create her colorful and textured paintings that capture the essence of garden life.

May 22, 2025: Jo Goodwin – Plant Auction

June 26, 2025: June Picnic


We invite all non-members to consider joining North Shore Horticultural. For more information on joining, please click on and visit our Membership page.